Cremation continues to be a more popular option than traditional earth burial in the country. In fact, one source notes that the cremation rate in the U.S. last year was 51.6%. Meanwhile, statistics show that the rate could climb to 57.8% by 2020. If you find yourself planning a death disposition, it’s good to know that Belle Plaine, MN cremations are the norm rather than the exception. Read on for a look at what’s behind the increasing popularity of cremation.
It’s no secret that cremation, particularly direct cremation, is a more cost-effective body disposition option than is traditional earth burial and the funeral services that that entails. When you consider the state of the economy and the fact that many families have less household discretionary funds at their disposal than they may have in the past, you can understand why some families are looking at less expensive options. Of course, cheaper doesn’t have to mean a cheapened experience. After all, it wouldn’t be so popular if it wasn’t a respectable option. You can always hold a memorial after the direct cremation and there are options for the ashes such as scattering, burial, memorial jewelry and a whole host of other possibilities.
Environmental Issues
Environmental awareness is growing such that more and more people are trying to be more mindful of their carbon footprint. There are several reasons why some people are turning away from traditional earth burial and towards cremation. One reason is the embalming process. Formaldehyde, a popular embalming fluid, is known to be a carcinogenic, or cancer causing, compound. A problem with using this embalming fluid is that it can potentially leak out of caskets and potentially wind up in waterways. Another reason why some are rejecting traditional earth burial is that it takes up a lot of land space. Cremation, meanwhile, takes up little to no land space since all that’s left after the process are ashes.
Yet another reason why cremation has grown in popularity is the flexibility that it affords. If your family is like many other families in the U.S., you probably all live in different parts of the nation. It can be hard for everyone to make travel arrangements and to get to where a funeral service is supposed to take place – especially in a big rush. With a cremation, however, your family can plan a memorial at a time and place that makes the most sense. You can also share the cremation ashes if you so choose rather than bury the body in one location.
When you’re ready to discuss cremations in Belle Plaine, MN with a service provider who is committed to helping grieving families, give us a call at Scott County Cremation. You can reach us at (952) 402-9000 or come to our office at 833 S. Marschall Road, Shakopee, MN 55379. We specialize in direct cremation, so get in touch if you want to ask questions or to plan a body disposition. During a free, no-obligation consultation, we’ll help you to set up the perfect send-off.